Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sorted Arraylist in Java

public class SortedArrayList implements Dictionary {

//number of items in the array
private int mNumberItems=0;

private DictionaryItem mItems[] = new DictionaryItem[10];
/*expand array
* -checks to see if array needs expansion, if so, it builds a new array
private void expandArray()
if (checkExpandArray())
DictionaryItem newarray[] = new DictionaryItem[mItems.length*2];
System.arraycopy(mItems,0,newarray,0,mNumberItems); // copy all items into the new array
mItems = newarray;
*-if the numberofitems in the array is getting large, increase the size of the array to make room for another item
private boolean checkExpandArray()
if (mNumberItems+1>=mItems.length)
return true;
return false;
* -see update, same functionality, just drops the return value
public void insert(Comparable key, Object data) {

* -Copies the data over in the array to make room
* -then slips the new value into that index
private void insertIntoArray(int index, DictionaryItem item)
System.arraycopy(mItems,index,mItems,index+1,mNumberItems-index); // copy all items infront of the index
mItems[index] = item;
* does a linear search to find out where a certain key should be inserted
private int getIndexForKey(Comparable key)
int i;
for(i=0;i<= mNumberItems-1;i++)
DictionaryItem curr = mItems[i];

if(curr.getKey().compareTo(key) >=0)
return i;
return mNumberItems;
* -returns the key at a certain index
private Object getKeyAt(int index)
return mItems[index].getKey();
* -does a binary search for a certain index location
* -returns -1 if value not found
private int lookupIndexForKey(Comparable key)
return auxBinSearch(key,0,mNumberItems-1);
* -is the aux recursive method to implement the binary search
private int auxBinSearch(Comparable key, int startindex,int endindex)
if (startindex > endindex) return -1;
int mid = (startindex + endindex)/2;

if (key.compareTo(getKeyAt(mid))==0) return mid;
if (key.compareTo(getKeyAt(mid))<0)
return auxBinSearch(key,startindex,mid-1); //go left
return auxBinSearch(key,mid+1,endindex);//go right


* -provides update functionality (insert, and replace
* returns true if it replaced
* returns false if inserted new record
public boolean update(Comparable key, Object data) {

int insertindex=lookupIndexForKey(key);

if (insertindex!=-1)
mItems[insertindex] = new DictionaryItem(key,data);
return true;

//now we have to insert
//perform linear search and get insert location
insertindex= getIndexForKey(key);


insertIntoArray(insertindex,new DictionaryItem(key,data));
return false;

* -uses a binary search to retrieve an object
* returns the Object if found
* return null if not found
public Object lookup(Comparable key) {
int index = lookupIndexForKey(key);

if (index <0 || index > mNumberItems-1) return null;
return mItems[index].getData();
*-returns number of items in the array
public int size() {
return mNumberItems;

* spits out the sorted arraylist contents
public void print(PrintWriter p) {
//p.println("Printing Sorted ArrayList");
for(DictionaryItem curr: mItems )
p.print(" ");



1 comment:

Tantaman said...

Why so complex? Just wrap or extend an ArrayList:

public class SortedArrayList<E extends Comparable<? super E>> extends ArrayList<E> {
public boolean add(E e) {
this.add(Math.abs(Collections.binarySearch(this, e)), e);
return true;

public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
for (E e: c) {
return true;