Sunday, December 21, 2008

Double Linked List in Java

* LinkedList
* This is the core List class
* Provides a facility to a doublly linked list.
* Has Header Node optimization
* Has LastNode optimization as well
* Future Features:
* Optimized iterator support
* actually use some more of the optimization doublly linked lists gives you

* ListNode
* -The workhorse of the LinkedList Class
* Provides a doublely linked potencial to other list nodes
* Provides recursion for relative position Node lookups
* Provides automatic linking of next and previous nodes
public class ListNode
* Blank constructor
public ListNode()
* Purposeful constructor:
* passes data, and previous node, allows you to build node lists, easily by chaining
public ListNode(Object pData,ListNode pPrevious)
mData = pData;
if (pPrevious != null) //since you can pass null to it
pPrevious.setNext(this); //automatic hook up

private Object mData; // stores the Object of value here

//Accessors to the Data Object
public Object getData()
return mData;
public void setData(Object obj)
mData = obj;

private ListNode mNext; // stores link to the next node in the list
//accessor to the Next reference
public ListNode getNext()
return mNext;
* Automatic linking on setNext
* -set the mNext field's data
* but also will automaticly link the "nextNodes previous link to this Node's
public void setNext(ListNode pNode)
mNext = pNode;
if (mNext != null)
mNext.mPrevious = this; //internal auto link MUST USE INTERNAL, If you use mNext.setPrevious infinite loop become evident

private ListNode mPrevious;
//public accessor to Previous Link
public ListNode getPrevious()
return mPrevious;
* Automatic linking on setPrevious
* -set the mPrevious field's data
* but also will automaticly link the "previousNodes next link to this Node's
public void setPrevious(ListNode pNode)
mPrevious = pNode;
if (mPrevious != null)
mPrevious.mNext = this; //internal auto link MUST USE INTERNAL, If you use mPrevious.setNext infinite loop become evident

* Recurisve GetNext
* will return the node that is relativePos offset from this node only in the forward direction
public ListNode getNextRecurisive(int relaitivePos)
if (relaitivePos <= 0) // if pos =0 return self
return this;
ListNode next = this.getNext(); //move to the next node
if (next != null)
return next.getNextRecurisive(relaitivePos - 1); //Let it count the rest of the way
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Recursive search for rel pos could not find a node soon enough");


public class LinkedList

private ListNode mHeaderNode = new ListNode();
private ListNode mLastNode;
private int mNumItems = 0;

* Constructor, sets up the default last node
public LinkedList()
mLastNode = mHeaderNode;

* Add is your basic add operation
* Adds to the end of the list, using the last node optimization
* the setNext function automaticly links in the previous links.
public void add(Object obj)
ListNode node = new ListNode(obj,null);
mLastNode = node; //update the last node optimization
/** add overload -> Insert
* Inserts a Object in the list node at any position
public void add(int pos, Object obj)
if (pos == mNumItems)
//special case adding at the end of the list
add(obj); // use the regular add
IsPositionInBoundsOf(pos); //Insure the pos is a vaild pos
ListNode node = getNode(pos);//node I am inserting at
ListNode newNode = new ListNode(obj, node.getPrevious());
// hook up new node to node that was behind current node
// hook up old node, to the new position
* Contains
* Returns true if LinkedList Contains a certain object
* Object.equals is our comparer method of choice
* other wise false
public boolean contains(Object obj)
ListNode node = mHeaderNode.getNext(); //get the first node in the list

while (node != null) // go through till the end of the list
if (node.getData() != null) // check so you don't get a null ref exception
if (node.getData().equals(obj)) // use equals so.. ref type weird data types.. cough STRINGS don't hang us up
return true;
// if null was passed we want to return true if the obj is null
if (obj == null) return true;
node = node.getNext(); // increment up to the next node
return false;


* IsPositionInBoundsOf
* Returns true if pos would return a valid node in this list, if not, it will throw and indexOutOfBoundsException
protected boolean IsPositionInBoundsOf(int pos)
if (pos > mNumItems - 1)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(pos + " Is out of the bounds of the List");
return true;

* get
* Returns The object of a node at a certain position
public Object get(int pos)
IsPositionInBoundsOf(pos); // insure pos is accurate

ListNode node = getNode(pos); //grab the node

return node.getData(); //return the data ; null is ok


* getNode(pos)
* Returns the list node at a certain position
* does a recursive search for the specified position
protected ListNode getNode(int pos)
return mHeaderNode.getNextRecurisive(pos + 1); // +1 because of header node
* isEmpty
* returns true if their are 0 items in this list
* otherwise false
public boolean isEmpty()
return mHeaderNode.getNext() == null;

* remove(pos)
* Returns the object at the pos you are removeing from
* Remove the last node, will re update the lastnode reference
* deincrements the count in list
public Object remove(int pos)
ListNode deletednode = getNode(pos);
if (deletednode == this.mLastNode) //last node special case
this.mLastNode = deletednode.getPrevious(); // just patch up the last node reference
deletednode.getPrevious().setNext(deletednode.getNext()); //patch the whole you just made

return deletednode.getData();
* size
* Returns the number of items in this list
public int size()
return mNumItems;

//DEBUG Methods
//remove these methods
* Prints out the entire list of objects in list
//public void printList()
// System.out.println("");
// for (int i = 0; i < mNumItems; i++)
// {
// System.out.println(get(i));
// }
// System.out.println("


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